Static Typing Where Possible, Dynamic Typing When Needed: The End of the Cold War Between Programming Languages


  1. Introduction
  2. When Programmers Say “I Need Dynamic/Static Typing”, They Really Mean
    1. I want type inference
    2. I want contracts
    3. I want (coercive) subtyping
    4. I want Generics
    5. I want (unsafe) covariance
    6. I want ad-hoc relationships and prototype inheritance
    7. I want lazy evaluation
    8. I want higher-order functions, serialization, and code literals
  3. Conclusion
  4. Acknowledgments

An Overview of Linear Logic Programming

33p.Linear Logic in Computer Science の第一章として書かれたものだそうです。

  1. An Overview of Linear Logic Programming
    1. Introduction
    2. Goal-directed proof search
      1. Uniform proofs
      2. Logic programming in classical and intuitionistic logics
      3. Higher-order quantification and proof search
      4. Uniform proofs with multiple conclusion sequents
    3. Linear logic and focused proofs
    4. Linear logic programming languages
      1. The Forum presentation of linear logic
      2. Lolli
      3. Uncurrying program clauses
      4. Other subsets of Forum
      5. Other language designs
    5. Applications of linear logic programming
    6. Examples of reasoning about a linear logic program
    7. Effective implementations of proof search
    8. Research in sequent calculus proof search
      1. Polarity and proof search.
      2. Non-commutativity.
      3. Reasoning about specifications.